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Outsourced sales: Accessibility to high-end tech

blog-clock Oct 1, 2018 2:20:45 PM

Outsourced sales: Accessibility to high-end techIt's no secret that an effective sales division is the powerhouse behind successful businesses.

To get your sales really cranking, you need robust reporting to understand your sales performance, efficient account management and a solid sales enablement strategy.

So, consider: if your sales targets are not being met, a lack of advanced technology could be the cause. Outdated systems or lack of specialist knowledge could be holding your business back, while your competitors are happily taking the advantage.

Outsourcing sales can be a game changer for companies'. It can give you access to top-tier talent, the latest technology and the knowledge to use that tech instantly. In this blog we look at how access to this key technology can impact your business. 

Advanced sales technology

Implementing a department-wide technology update takes a large investment. What's more, it could take a long time for your team to be trained so they're working at full capacity. With outsourced sales, this isn't an issue as the team is already equipped and trained in the latest technology.

The right sales outsourcing provider will analyse your current systems and implement recommendations to ensure the best technology is used to achieve set goals. They use a range of automation technologies and digital opportunities to reach customers, while digital platforms can also automate how you nurture your leads and prospects without lifting a finger. Analytics and data dashboards will ensure you’re taking advantage of the right tech for your business to enable your sales team to convert leads.

CRM implementation

Some New Zealand companies, particularly SMEs, don’t have the resources to invest in platforms that run sales activities efficiently. Sure, you could invest in a customer relationship management (CRM) system, but you still need the knowledge and system support to maximise your investment.

When you partner with a professional sales management company, you’ll get access to world class CRM systems, which immediately gives you a step ahead of the competition. With a robust and well utilised system in place, you'll gain superior insights into your business so you can continually optimise your sales strategy. And by choosing to outsource this part of your sales function it’ll cost you a fraction of the time and expense it would take to do it on your own.

Advanced reporting

Analytics is imperative to the success of your business. The right report allows you to evaluate performance, optimise processes, understand trends and boost sales. A good reporting system should allow:

• Custom dashboards
• Closed loop reporting
• Automated monthly insights
• Real time reporting
• Clear stats around ROI

Just as important as being able to read customer trends, analytics allows businesses to identify and overcome challenges quickly and put an effective strategy into place. These insights won't just jump off the report - it takes a sharp eye to gain keen insights from the data. By using a professional external team, you're ensuring you get the most from your sales insights.

Marketing technology

Customers now do the majority of their decision making online, before talking to an actual sales person. In fact 67% of the buyer’s journey is done digitally. [Source: SiriusDecisions] so it’s essential that your digital touch points are effective.

Implementing marketing automation technology will optimise your customer’s journey, from top of the funnel, right through to conversion and advocacy. Using AI - chatbots for example - to automatically qualify leads will save your sales people time and make for a better customer experience. Modern marketing platforms will also allow you to automate lead nurture, database segmentation, retargeting and appointment booking, as well as personalise all your customer communication.

Running an efficient sales and customer service function today is complex. You need the right tools for the job and the right people using them. Outsourcing your sales division opens the company up to the latest technology and a team that has been trained to use it effectively so your business can take off.

For almost 20 years Leading Edge has provided custom built sales solutions to New Zealand companies, including our largest partner Spark. We provide high-performing, locally based sales teams that can help business achieve outrageous growth. If you're interested in seeing how sales outsourcing could work for you, contact us here.

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