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How to Effectively Use Data to Grow Your Business

blog-clock Apr 8, 2019 11:02:00 AM


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Topics: Business growth, Data

Sales Outsourcing - Understanding Risks and Challenging Assumptions

blog-clock Apr 8, 2019 11:01:33 AM


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Topics: Sales outsourcing, risks, pros and cons

4 Ways to Create a High-performing Sales Team

blog-clock Mar 21, 2019 11:36:22 AM

high performing sales team
You can bring in plenty of prospects at the top of your sales funnel using the most efficient marketing team in the world, but for many products it’s the sales team that will do the closing!

Let’s find out how to create and maintain a high-performing sales team.

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Topics: Sales Strategy, Business growth, Sales talent, Sales training

5 Foolproof Tips to Meet (and Beat) Your Sales Targets

blog-clock Mar 21, 2019 11:31:38 AM

If you're not meeting your sales targets, something is wrong and you need to fix it. 

Failure to reach your targets doesn't happen overnight. It's a series of actions - or inaction that lead to  shortcomings in future.

Here's what you need to do make sure you exceed your sales target, instead of facing angry clients and letting go of half of your staff.

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Topics: Sales Strategy, Sales training

5 Things To Look For in a Sales Outsourcing Partner

blog-clock Mar 21, 2019 11:31:26 AM

You've made a wise decision by choosing to get a sales outsourcing partner on board. This investment will pay for itself in the long run, but only if you choose the right partner.

We know you want to on board an outsourcing partner who are bloody good at what they do. 

Here are the five qualities that you need to look for in your sales outsourcing partner.

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Topics: Sales outsourcing

Cold-calling is yesterday's news...what do you do instead?

blog-clock Feb 22, 2019 12:14:25 PM

If you've been involved in sales or marketing for a while, you might have heard people throwing the terms 'inbound sales' and 'outbound sales'.

Let's discuss what these terms mean.

In short, inbound selling or marketing involves attracting customers with useful, problem-solving content instead of going for the sale right from the beginning to audiences who may not even have the problem! This content can includes things like blogs, social media posts, and infographics.. Essentially, inbound selling means you give - before you ask.

On the other hand, outbound sales is a more traditional approach, which involves businesses approaching leads through advertising or in-person contact.

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Topics: Sales Strategy, Sales technology, Sales talent, Sales training

How to use inbound selling to get more 'qualified' leads

blog-clock Feb 22, 2019 12:14:18 PM

In our blog Cold-calling is yesterday's news...what do you do instead?, we talked about how cold-calling is waning and inbound marketing is taking over.

You have to take your customers through a journey - which starts with the awareness of their problem and ends with a sale.

Here are the three most important stages of buyer's journey:

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Topics: Inbound Marketing

3 Global business trends you need to be aware of in 2019

blog-clock Jan 18, 2019 12:28:07 PM

 Another year is done and dusted. It’s time to reflect on the wins and losses for this year, and at the same time, plan for the next year.

As we all know, the business world is really dynamic and new trends emerge every year.

Whether it’s technology, human resources, sales, marketing, or finance - a business owner needs to be aware of the future of the business landscape.

So without further ado, let’s get down to the nitty gritty, shall we?

Drum roll, please…

Here are the top 3 global business trends for 2019.

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Topics: Company News, Business growth, Sales technology, Recruitment, Customer service, Workplace culture, Sales talent, Marketing

5 ways managers can be more inclusive

blog-clock Nov 2, 2018 2:45:00 PM

Inclusiveness is a key part of a great company culture and as the manager, it's your responsibility to make everyone feel included within the team. In this blog, we provide some tips for making your workplace more inclusive, which will have a far-reaching positive impact on your company. 

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Topics: Workplace culture

How to improve team culture in 30 minutes

blog-clock Oct 31, 2018 11:36:28 AM

There's no doubt the people you work with are your biggest asset. A poor sales culture affects your entire business, from a lack of motivation to erratic results and poor revenue. Issues around culture, productivity and satisfaction among your sales team will inevitably lead to frustration and poor performance, so ignoring them will simply compound the problem.

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Topics: Workplace culture

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