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4 Ways to Create a High-performing Sales Team

blog-clock Mar 21, 2019 11:36:22 AM

high performing sales team
You can bring in plenty of prospects at the top of your sales funnel using the most efficient marketing team in the world, but for many products it’s the sales team that will do the closing!

Let’s find out how to create and maintain a high-performing sales team.

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Topics: Sales Strategy, Business growth, Sales talent, Sales training

5 Foolproof Tips to Meet (and Beat) Your Sales Targets

blog-clock Mar 21, 2019 11:31:38 AM

If you're not meeting your sales targets, something is wrong and you need to fix it. 

Failure to reach your targets doesn't happen overnight. It's a series of actions - or inaction that lead to  shortcomings in future.

Here's what you need to do make sure you exceed your sales target, instead of facing angry clients and letting go of half of your staff.

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Topics: Sales Strategy, Sales training

Cold-calling is yesterday's news...what do you do instead?

blog-clock Feb 22, 2019 12:14:25 PM

If you've been involved in sales or marketing for a while, you might have heard people throwing the terms 'inbound sales' and 'outbound sales'.

Let's discuss what these terms mean.

In short, inbound selling or marketing involves attracting customers with useful, problem-solving content instead of going for the sale right from the beginning to audiences who may not even have the problem! This content can includes things like blogs, social media posts, and infographics.. Essentially, inbound selling means you give - before you ask.

On the other hand, outbound sales is a more traditional approach, which involves businesses approaching leads through advertising or in-person contact.

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Topics: Sales Strategy, Sales technology, Sales talent, Sales training

How to implement a best practice SME sales strategy

blog-clock Oct 19, 2018 8:56:13 AM

A lack of sales experience or specialist sales knowledge within your management team can produce erratic results over time. To turn things around and enable your small business to thrive you need an efficient sales strategy that produces consistent revenue.

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Topics: Sales Strategy

4 ways to improve your sales team’s culture

blog-clock Oct 9, 2018 11:33:00 AM

An unhealthy sales culture impacts your whole business. Not only are your salespeople unmotivated and unsupportive of each other, you spend too much time firefighting, with little to show for it.

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Topics: Sales Strategy

4 ways to turn around a failing in-house sales team

blog-clock Oct 9, 2018 8:44:25 AM
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Topics: Sales Strategy, Sales training

4 Common misconceptions of sales outsourcing

blog-clock Aug 30, 2018 12:58:34 PM

If you've been thinking about outsourcing sales, chances are you've come across a few common misconceptions. In this blog we set the record straight

Are you concerned that a lack of experience and specialist sales knowledge in your team is affecting sales performance? And have you thought about outsourcing all or parts of your sales function, but have held back, worried it won't work for your business?

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Topics: Sales Strategy

Could outsourcing your sales team result in faster growth of your business?

blog-clock Aug 10, 2018 8:44:00 AM

A small to medium enterprise is truly that. Enterprising. SME’s form the backbone of New Zealand’s economy, employing hundreds of thousands of Kiwis who are inspired by the talent and drive of courageous business owners.

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Topics: Sales Strategy

How to gain years of experience overnight

blog-clock Aug 10, 2018 8:22:00 AM

Business is tough. We get it. And if you're not 100% confident your sales people and processes are up to the challenge, that's got to be keeping you up at night. Having a skilled sales resource is vital, whether your company is large or small, B2B or B2C, if you're going to grow and outsmart your competitors.

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Topics: Sales Strategy

4 reasons why NZ companies are outsourcing sales

blog-clock Aug 10, 2018 8:20:00 AM

Have you thought about outsourcing your organisation's sales function? This a growing trend amongst businesses who want rapid results in sales. When done right, having sales handled by a team of external experts can be a game-changer.

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Topics: Sales Strategy, Sales outsourcing, Business growth

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