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Could outsourcing your sales team result in faster growth of your business?

blog-clock Aug 10, 2018 8:44:00 AM

How sales outsourcing will convert more leads and grow your SMEA small to medium enterprise is truly that. Enterprising. SME’s form the backbone of New Zealand’s economy, employing hundreds of thousands of Kiwis who are inspired by the talent and drive of courageous business owners.

If you’re one of those business owners, you know that running a small business is a roller-coaster ride. If you’ve survived the two year mark, congratulations! You’ll be doing the hard yards now: feeding the machine with new business, trying to recruit good staff and putting processes in place to enable you to grow.

Sound familiar?

If so, around about now you’re probably looking at your sales funnel. Perhaps you've got a salesperson on board who isn’t delivering consistent results. Or maybe as the business owner, the responsibility for business development and sales is falling on your shoulders even though you're already wearing too many hats.

In this blog, we look at how many smart SME’s are tackling the problem of converting leads and driving growth by engaging a specialist outsource sales partner.

Let’s look outside the square and see how this model could result in faster growth of your business.

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Boost growth

By employing an expert sales team to drive the sales performance of your business, you could leapfrog your competitors and achieve better bottom-line results, compared to persisting with running the same-old process internally. An outsourced team has the experience to hit the ground running, getting you better results, faster.

Tip: Because these sales teams are lead with experience, they can also be pushed to develop new and innovative ideas on how to drive business better.

Grab new opportunities, efficiently

An internal sales team can often be stretched thin trying to follow up every lead and new opportunity that presents itself. With an outsource team, not only are your salespeople highly trained, they also have access to systems and processes that reduce admin and increase efficiency. You can also scale up or down your sales resource easily as your business evolves, without the pain of recruitment, training or having to let people go.

Tip: Companies also use sales outsourcing models to test new sales approaches and products, analyse the results and make any necessary adjustments before extending to a bigger market.

Cost effective

Sure, there's a cost to outsourcing. But when compared to the positive impact on your bottomline, the return on investment of outsourcing outweighs the cost of in-house operational costs, technology, recruitment and other overheads. Most find that outsourcing is by far, the most cost effective option, it allow you grow your business faster by focusing your core business and product.

Tip: With an outsourced team, you only pay for results making them highly incentivised to deliver.

The experts

Outsourced sales professionals are the best in the business. Driven, experienced and on the cutting edge of marketing and sales methodologies. They've done this many times before with companies of all sizes. Compare this with building an internal team where you need to invest your own time and resource to recruit, train and develop.

Tip: Outsource sales organisations continually train and develop their sales staff so they remain at the front of their profession. This means you'll have highly engaged, passionate people on your team who are fully supported by a culture of sales excellence.

Done right, it’s no surprise the outsourced sales model has become a game-changer for businesses. Whether it’s your intention to start afresh or supplement your existing sales operation, outsourcing sales will accelerate growth.

Has this article got you thinking? You can read more about the benefits of outsourcing sales here. 

Topics: Sales Strategy

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