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4 reasons why NZ companies are outsourcing sales

blog-clock Aug 10, 2018 8:20:00 AM

4 reasons why NZ companies are outsourcing salesHave you thought about outsourcing your organisation's sales function? This a growing trend amongst businesses who want rapid results in sales. When done right, having sales handled by a team of external experts can be a game-changer.

Companies of all types are relying on outsourced sales teams to help their business grow. In this blog, we explore four ways companies can benefit from the injection of sales excellence that outsourcing can bring.

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So, why outsource your sales? You can't always rely on the skills of your internal sales team to increase company growth. Sometimes teams can lack the knowledge, experience, or the drive to perform at the highest level. An under-performing sales team, or no sales team at all, can be a major hand-brake on company growth.

Reason #1: Grow faster, grow smarter

Achieve growth at a faster rate by engaging highly trained sales experts who will hit the ground running. Whether it's sales leadership or a full sales team, you can expect increased revenue and scalable growth that will take your business to the next level. An external team will develop a sales strategy that will work and solely focus on delivering bottom-line results. The right outsource partner will provide your management team with full visibility of sales progress. These teams have access to established sales technology to provide your business with reporting and data insights on which to make smarter business decisions.

Reason #2: Reduce cost of sales

With an outsource sales model, expect accountability and success. Whether you're considering a full outsource model or simply engaging sales leadership to lift the benchmark of excellence in your organisation, this model works because external sales professionals are driven to succeed. With the support of an experienced sales organisation behind you, you also have the opportunity to tap into new ideas and continuously innovate.

Reason #3: Adopt years of experience overnight

An outsourced sales team means someone else take care of your operational costs. You'll see reductions in the cost of recruitment training and compliance. Overall, your overheads of running the sales function combined with better conversion means your costs per sale could be significantly lower. Many organisations fail to factor in the capital cost of sales software, supplies and resources but with outsourcing, you gain best-in-class sales tech at a fraction of the price.

Reason #4: Promote greater performance

Bypass the learning curve involved in recruiting and training sales staff. Highly trained and motivated external sales teams have refined their skills over years of experience and have a proven track record of achieving results. Because an outsource team only recruits for the top talent, you’ll hit the ground running, short-cutting any learning process that hiring for in-house sales experts would need to undertake.

Do these reasons sound good? Of course they do! Want to know more? Find out more about sales outsourcing as a solution for progressive New Zealand companies.

Topics: Sales Strategy, Sales outsourcing, Business growth

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