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Top 5 sales technologies you need to know about

blog-clock Sep 26, 2018 4:42:54 PM
Top 5 sales trends to implement in your team for success

To build a successful business you need experience, knowledge and the flexibility to find innovative solutions to any challenge that comes your way. 

Sales is the most pivotal area of your business - it drives overall growth. As an owner operator or manager, you’ll understand that there can be gaps in the specialist sales and marketing knowledge. This can be detrimental to your sales function, especially when technology and trends advance so quickly.

To be an industry leader you need to be up-to-date with the latest in sales technology. To stay ahead, it's important to get expert help where it’s needed. In this blog, we look at the five top trends driving sales forward, which an outsourced team can help you implement.

1. Video prospecting

This is an increasingly popular and effective tool when prospecting for new business. Approaching prospective clients using video instead of traditional cold calls or emails from salespeople will make your business stand out and personalise what you're offering.

It's not surprising then that businesses adopting this method are seeing incredible results.
HubSpot saw a four times increase in sales opportunities.

2. Sales automation

This clever little tool can make your entire sales process run like clockwork. Build-operate-transfer (BOT) computer systems can handle a number of tasks — from identifying and nurturing eads and qualifying them to creating customised proposals and negotiating with buyers.

However, while sales automation tools continue to evolve and bring benefits to businesses, they can't replace real-life salespeople. Customers value human interaction, including the insight and personalised approach they bring to an experience. Work on balancing automation with the unique value of personalised selling.

3. Online chat: AI Bots used for conversational sales qualification

Turning prospects into customers can be a complicated process. You need to understand who they are, what they want, and communicate how you'll deliver it. Consider how you could improve your conversion rates and what tools could help you.

A chat bot tailored for B2B companies is one such tool, which used strategically can make a big difference. Look for a programme that helps prospects navigate your site and offers a richer experience, which provides you with valuable information about their interests and needs.

4. Making personalised selling the norm

There's no substitution for quality. Experienced, highly skilled salespeople understand their buyers' needs and behaviours, which translates into results. Using the latest technology, they'll see where buyers are in their journey and be able to connect with them in a meaningful way by building trust. Ultimately, this leads to more conversions.

5. Deeper integration of marketing and sales

To succeed, your sales and marketing need to be aligned. The use of better sales platforms helps achieve this by encouraging improved interactions between the two functions.

Using innovative technology is a big part of the process as it provides valuable feedback on marketing and sales strategies. To ensure you're achieving the best results, work with an expert external sales team that's trained to use the latest tools.

As technology and trends advance, so too must your business. Consider the gaps in your team's specialist knowledge and how an outsourced team could help meet and exceed your business needs using the latest innovations.

Contact the team at Leading Edge to find out how outsourcing all or part of your sales function can help you stay up to the play with the latest sales and marketing technology.

Topics: Sales technology

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