The Benefits of Partnering with a Sales Transformation Partner.

Sep 23, 2020, Hannah Barraclough

Leading Edge innovates sales strategies to yield business success

The world has shifted on many fronts and highlighted a real need to up the innovation – especially our business sales approach. With COVID catapulting us at least five years into the digital future, successfully selling on the frontline means striking a strategic balance between digital tools and human interaction. This means reaching out to a sales transformation partner to help pivot business processes to meet your edge and strengthen sales performance.

Why prioritise sales strategies now? Because even though Kiwis aren’t short of innovative ideas, we’re failing to action them. As reported in a recent State of the Nation article, here in New Zealand most CEOs give innovation a 10 out of 10 as being an essential business driver – but record their innovation performance at a mere six or under. This widening gap between innovation expectation and actuality, means many Kiwi businesses risk their sales and revenue at risk– unless they start transforming.

“CEOs give innovation a 10 out of 10 as being an essential business driver – but record their innovation performance at a mere six or under.”

What is sales transformation – and how will it benefit you?

Put simply, sales transformation involves developing strategies to improve your business’s sales performance. Unlike other areas of business – marketing, finance, and operations – which have all experienced a massive shift in technology and strategies in the past decade, sales haven’t been quick to the uptake. In fact, here in New Zealand, our sales focus has lagged – despite global tracking forecasts.

Here’s how a business benefits when they push play on a sales transformation project:

  • Maximise sales from core products and services

  • Test and launch new products and services

  • Increase sales of new products and services

  • Time back for management to focus on innovation and business transformation

Engaging a leading sales partner

Our Leading Edge team help New Zealand businesses innovate through the power of sales.

As a local sales agency we’re attuned to our Kiwi roots and are experts in the field of transformational sales strategies – maximising sales of legacy products and lifting revenues in the innovation space.

Our sweet spot is any business whose sales revenue is based on subscriptions or recurring revenue. This type of business model requires a balancing act – digital and human input – and we’ve experienced first-hand transformational success in this domain, partnering with both Spark and Yellow.

 We’ve partnered with Spark as they transformed from a telco monopoly to a competitive digital services company. We’re helping to grow Yellow’s SME customer base through a range of digital services.

Here are just few reasons why businesses choose us as their sales partner . . .

  • Results: We’ll outperform your sales team, because selling is all that we do

  • Access to sales experience and tech instantly: Our sales people equipped with the right experience and latest technology.

  • Grow faster: From finding new customers to selling more to existing customers.

  • Leverage the power of people and digital: We strike a balance between digital tools and human interaction to maximise conversion rates. Save time: We focus on the sales, so you don’t have to.

Reach out

Fancy a chat about how Leading Edge can transform your sales, and help you hit your revenue targets? 


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If you’re wanting to turn up the heat on your sales leads, reach out to our team
of sales experts:

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