Complex Growth Strategy.

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For fast moving business looking change, that operate in complex or dynamic value chains.

See all Growth Strategy options


  • Value chain analysis
  • Market sizing
  • Trend analysis
  • Multiple workshop
  • Detaillled report/presentation

Kick start your growth journey today

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This is the ideal option for business looking to make a substantial and transformation change to their growth and for organisation looking for a great level of detail to aid decision making at director level. In depth analysis of value chain, industry and consumer trends alongside market sizing ensures that any organisation can make an informed, data driven decision.

We have worked with many large oganisations, both domestic and international to deliver a growth strategies that are both ambitious and achievable. Using a process of stage workshop we work with stakeholders to ensure they are involved in the establishment and development of the growth scenarios. A key part of our process is not only identifying strategic white spaces but also indentifying the necessary capital allocation to get there.

Factors to consider when selecting your growth journey include:

  • Shareholder Goals – the appetite of shareholders for risk and return.
  • Industry Evolution – the nature of technology disruption in your industry and how fast it’s evolving.
  • Business Capabilities – the level of innovation, differentiation and scalability of your offer

Registered Capability Provider
We’re a registered provider under the NZTE Capability Development Voucher Scheme for business training and coaching services.
Talk to us to find out more.

Our Process & Philosophy.

Once you sign up with us we begin your strategy identification process:

Briefing Workshop


We kick off with an exploratory session to understand your situation and motivations.

Storyboard Presentation


We present an outline of the research & analysis we’ll undertake to make sure we’re on the same page.

Strategy Analysis


We do the hard work analysing your market and finding the white spaces where you could play.

Analysis Workshop


We walk you through the analysis and discuss the value chain dynamics impacting your market.

Scenarios Presentation


We present the final strategic scenarios and discuss the implications for your business.

Our process has been created for three specific situations when major market-led decisions are most important:

1. New Company – founders who either seek validation of their business opportunity or those who have already established themselves in market but are seeking to scale-up their revenue line.

2. Established Company – businesses who are in a growth mode but can see their industry maturing now or in the near future. They seek opportunities to diversify or reinvent their offer to capture a new growth curve.

3. Major Transaction – when a company of any size is undertaking a major transaction such as capital raising, acquisitions, divestments, joint-ventures, alliances or exit transactions. Understanding your market position can impact your business valuation and transaction leverage in material ways.

In all situations, we are aiming to identify market-led initiatives that will enable the business to “cross the chasm” from early stage to expansion and realise its full potential.

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Let’s kick start your business growth.

If you prefer, call us on

0800 4 REV GEN

Frequently Asked Questions.

Why are there different prices?

The prices reflect the complexity and detail in each option and the audience type. Large organisation traditionally have more complex decision structure and value chains, bot of which impact the level of detail and time needed to complete the strategy. Don’t worry if you’re not sure which one is right for you, a quick conversation will allow us to help you decided.

Is this the right strategy for me?

If you’re not sure which level of strategy you need, or which level suits your business that OK, we can help. Generally it comes down to the size of your organisation, the value chain in which you work (maybe you span two or more!) and the level ot detail the decision maker require. We can help walk you through the options, just give us a call, we’re here to help.

Why are there different prices?

That’s were the fun begins! There are several options once we have complete the strategy. Some clients have the skills and resources just to crack on with operationalising their idea and some need a little support. We can help put togther a business case, create conceptual designs, help with capital and more. We have a great net work of partners that we would love to introduce you to.

Didn’t find your answer? You can Contact us here.