Marketing Hub Onboarding.

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  • RevOps

Marketing Hub Onboarding is designed for new customers using Marketing Hub software for the first time.

We’ll guide you on how to flex your best Marketing Hub muscles: you’ll get recommendations on how to utilize your data in HubSpot, learn how to create automation and nurturing processes, and get best practices around lead generation and qualification — all with your business objectives in mind.

What’s included?

We offer you all the support you need to get your HubSpot Hub up and running quickly and easily with everything that needs to be done.

Data structure review
Database integration in to HubSpot
Database cleanse and mapping
HubSpot tracking with your current website
Form tracking and lead capture
Website user tracking and reporting
Domain integration for email and landing pages
Marketing Email template design and development
Email campaign reporting & dashboard setup
Social media and ad account integration
Google Search ad account integration
Existing martech-stack integration
Reporting dashboard development
Campaign reporting and dashboard development
Team onboarding and training session
Ongoing support via email
Ongoing support via email, chat & phone
Ongoing support – F2F

Example of a Premium Onboarding plan.

Check out this sample Marketing Hub Premium Onboarding plan that covers some of the most popular topics customers ask for. When you purchase onboarding, the goals and tasks will be aligned to your business needs.

Set Up.
Account and Tech Setup.

To set you up for inbound marketing success, we’ll start your journey on understanding the fundamentals of HubSpot. HubSpot is a big platform with a lot of tools, and to get the most value out of them, you’ll need to understand the foundations and how the tools work together. Along with helping you understand the HubSpot fundamentals, we’ll guide you with set up tasks including:

  • Invite your team members.
  • Connect your subdomains and configure your settings.
  • Install the HubSpot tracking code and filter out your internal traffic.
  • Set up your email sending domain and CAN-SPAM.
  • Import your contacts, companies, deals, tickets, and notes
  • Import your marketing opt-out lists
  • Configure email types.
  • Connect your social accounts
  • Consider integrations.
Step 1.
Capture and Convert

We will help you to understand your customers. We will help you to build a process that meets their needs and delivers you the result you are after. From form building to lead scoring this step the foundation of great marketing on HubSpot.


What we’ll guide you on:

  • Create personas from your data base.
  • Explore forms and pop-up forms for quick wins.
  • Create custom properties that will help you qualify leads.
  • Set up lead scoring.
  • Define each Lifecycle Stage based on your own qualifications.
Step 2.
Engage and Nurture Your

Tracking and nurturing leads is an essential part of marketing. By setting up emails and nurture journeys, we can ensure that you lead with the right information, in the right way at the right time. The process of engagement is essential to help interested prospect become customers.


What we’ll guide you on:

  • Map out a nurturing process flow that considers the tools you’re using.
  • Define lifecycle stages and ensure contacts go through different nurturing tracks depending on their stage.
  • Create your first welcome flow series for a new lead.
Step 3.
Automate and Personalise
Your Marketing.

Automation is a game changer! We can help you build out automated processes that ensures your marketing message is always relevant and wanted. Personalisation and targeted marketing will generate higher quality leads and help you reduce and control your market spend.


What we’ll guide you on:

  • Find manual tasks that can be automated in HubSpot. Develop workflows, lists or smart content to save time via automation.
  • Explore smart content to add value to your target audiences.
  • Connect your social ad tools, and automate tasks.
  • Use custom properties to build targeted lists. See how we can translate that into a marketing email with smart content or into a targeted workflow.
Step 4.
Complete Onboarding and Transition.

As we approach the completion of your onboarding, we'll work with you to determine what your next goals will be after onboarding. If you’re looking for more hands-on strategic or technical help, we can help with that too.

Let’s get you up and running on HubSpot.

If you prefer, call us on

0800 4 REV GEN