Sales Management and Marketing Automation – Delivering more Revenue with HubSpot.

Nov 22, 2022, Hannah Barraclough

The nature of an ever-changing marketing and sales environment – and physical workplace – means more and more teams are finding themselves operating like ships in the night – solo agents without a sense of community, and lack of trajectory.

Minimal communications and alignment between sales and marketing departments can be detrimental to business success – and morale. But it doesn’t take a water cooler to unite people, restore conversations and drive greater marketing-to-sales lead activity – it takes HubSpot.

HubSpot is a platform delivering both sales and marketing systems – Sales Management and Marketing Automation. They operate separately under their own ‘Hub’, but also combine to support and strengthen productivity and working relations between teams – whilst keeping costs and efforts on the downlow.

Sales Management, within the Sales Hub, focuses on . . .

  • Building a sales process – steps which keep the whole team working towards the same goals,
  • addresses sales activity daily – recognising issues and wins as they play out,
  • reporting processes – measuring sales cycles, lead conversion rates and wins.

Marketing Automation, within the Marketing Hub, centres on:

  • Lead nurturing – automating email campaigns, moving qualified leads down the sales funnel at the right time.
  • Personalising and customising workflows – so every contact in your database receives attention specific to their journey.
  • Automating tasks – updates and adds data into workflows for ease of management, and alerts customer actions.

Together is better

Both Sales Management and Marketing Automation play to their own strengths and combine to unify – and simplify – the working wheel for sales and marketing teams across the board. Together they are helping businesses to drive sales and increase revenue, without costly outgoings – and precious time investment. Here’s how they come together . . .

  • Lead and sales attribution – By simultaneously running two programmes in unison, marketing teams can see which activities are delivering the sales i.e., leads driven from Google Ads, and which campaigns are falling short i.e., emails.
  • Increased quality – Dually they stay abreast of KPI’s – Key Performance Indicators – measuring/comparing conversion rates as a ‘quality’ metric gauge i.e., marketing quality leads versus sales quality leads.
  • Full transparency – Both systems gift the full picture on leads to all team members – marketing and sales – so everyone knows where reporting, notes, data input and customer actions are happening at an individual lead level.
  • Improved optimisation – Tracking across both systems is extensive and seamless. Allowing all teams to access the costs per lead and costs per sale, simply – no hunting around.
  • Aggregated reporting – Delivering a full package of tracking and reporting, the systems in sync with all social media platforms and accounts, like Facebook and Google Ads, to accurately assess which marketing and sales qualified leads are converting to sales.

Everyone’s a winner

Marketing and sales success is a dual effort – but it shouldn’t be one fraught with high costs and added hours – to ensure teams stay on the same page, communicating effectively and efficiently.

HubSpot’s leading Sales Hub and Marketing Hub, systems ensure greater collaboration across all – teams, tasks, workflows and actions – no one left behind.


To learn how HubSpot can help your teams work smarter – not harder – reach out to us . . .

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